Looking to improve your skills and confidence while out paddling? This course will provide you with the skills required.
This 2-day River Rescue course is part of the pathway for both recreational and professional paddlers to better enable them to safely paddle when with their peers, leading a group or when providing an instructional or guided experience.
The course covers the NZOIA/WWNZ River Rescue Level 1 Certificate and is a prerequisite for participation in NZOIA Kayak 1 assessments.
Following course completion, the NZOIA/WWNZ River Rescue Lebel 1 certificate holder will have been trained int he following skills in class 2 white water:
– River hydrology
– Communications
– River running strategies
– Equipment selection
– Self rescue
– Bank based rescue
– Boat based rescue
– Swimmer based rescue
To enable meaningful learning in all aspects of the course it is required that participants have the following kayak experience:
– At least 10 river trips on class 2 white water
– Sufficient experience to paddle independently without the close supervision of peers or an instructor
– A reliable roll in class 2 white water.
Course details
Arrive Sunday night or Monday morning for an 8am start.
Course costs include programme, gear, travel to river, accommodation and catering for Monday and Tuesday. Sunday night accommodation also included if required, BYO dinner for Sunday night.