Rogaine Challenges

The perfect ‘taster’ activity for any of our other outdoor adventure challenges – come and give it a go!

Our Rogaine Challenges are fun navigation-based team challenges for any students in years 9-13 that can be completed anytime that suits you. They are perfect for students in Outdoor Education and P.E classes, plus and sports teams wanting some different fitness training, as well as any students keen on a team challenge that involves a little physical activity, strategic planning, quick decision making and time management skills.

Each challenge has a 2-hour time limit and is a mix between orienteering and rogaining. Working in teams of 3 or 4 you will have 120mins to navigate to checkpoints, marked on a special map, scoring points for each one you find. You then need to try to get back to the finish on time. If you are late back, you lose points, so planning a good strategy and working together in your team is important! 

The challenge utilises a free smartphone app called MapRun that uses the GPS on your phone to track your route and register when you pass by the checkpoints, while recording your score any penalty points for being late over time. It also sync’s nicely with Strava!

Currently these challenges are held at venues throughout the North Island and we are looking to add more locations across the country so more of you can join in the fun! You are more than welcome to come along to multiple rogaines if you are keen.

These challenges will be suitable for all levels of experience and getting involved and participating is what it is all about. You certainly don’t need to be an elite athlete, or even an athlete at all to join in the fun. Having some basic understanding of how to navigate might be handy though!

  • Teams are made up of 3 or 4 members from Year 9 – 13. Any mix of year 9 -13 is ok and you may register as many teams as you wish.
  • Teams will use a specially prepared map and will have 120 minutes to navigate to as many checkpoints as possible and make it back to the finish line before the clock ticks down to zero – teams that are late to the finish line get time penalties and lose precious points! The checkpoints on the course will all be optional and worth a different score based on their location and difficulty to find.
  • At least one team member needs to know how to read a map, another one needs to be able to keep track of time, and everyone will need a bit of fitness as you will be ‘on the go’ for up to 2 hours!
  • Check out the recommended gear list but as a minimum you will need to carry a cellphone and first aid kit (per team), plus food/water and clothing suitable for the conditions/environment on the day you do the challenge and any medication – inhalers, bee-sting pills…etc. that you might need.

These Rogaine Challenges are up to 2hrs long. You can choose a day/time to complete them that suits you -your school/class/team. After you have registered and paid for your teams you will receive an email with the map and instructions for the Rogaine you have chosen. This will also include notes to brief your students on, an Activity Management Plan with H&S information and the details of how to use the MapRun app. We can even set you up a simple MapRun test course around your school grounds so your students can have a little practice run using the app. Please let us know if you would like this.

Although 2hrs is relatively short we still recommend all participants have the following clothing and equipment to enable you to complete the challenge safely. We want to be sure that you have everything you need to keep you and your team mates comfortable and safe regardless of the conditions.

Each team member should carry or wear as appropriate for the weather conditions and time of year –

  • A wind and waterproof jacket
  • A long sleeve polypro or wollen base layer
  • A warm hat/beanie. BUFFs are ok for this.
  • At least 1.5litres of water
  • Energy snacks/food to keep you going for 2hrs
  • Personal medication
  • A pack to carry everything in
  • A pair of running/trail shoes

Each group/team should carry the following for the duration of the event, regardless of the conditions and the time of year –

  • A compass
  • A team first aid kit including as a minimum – 50cm strapping tape for ankles/knees, pain killers, 2 x large crepe bandages (minimum 4cm width), 1 x tri-angular bandage, 2 x non-adherent dressing or gauze pad, 6 plasters.
  • A spare cell-phone (fully charged) to be used in the event of an emergency, if you need assistance.

Each year we have many schools that use these events (as well as our Hillary Challenge 6-hour Adventure Races) to work various Achievement Standard into their programmes to enable their students to gain credits . These normally include:

Level 1 – 1.1 (90962), 1.5 (90966), 1.7 (90968), 1.9 (90970)

Level 2 – 2.6 (91332), 2.7 (91333)

Level 3 – 3.3 (91500)