Give rangatahi the opportunity to be extraordinary

One pivotal moment changed the course of Sir Ed’s life. At Hillary Outdoors, we want all young New Zealanders to have this opportunity.

Imagine a world where Sir Edmund Hillary didn’t conquer Mt. Everest.

Summiting the world’s highest peak could still be an undefeated challenge. Sir Ed may never have devoted himself to environmental and humanitarian efforts that made a profound difference to Aotearoa and to the world. 

Looking back, it all started with a school trip to Mt. Ruapehu. Sir Ed’s teacher was at a loss with what to do with a class of unruly teenage boys. After all his efforts in class failed, he decided to take them to the mountains, something that was unheard of at the time. It was on this trip that Sir Ed fell in love with the mountains and that catalysed a humble teenage New Zealander to do the impossible: make ground-breaking history and change the world for the better. 


Many rangatahi across Aotearoa don’t have access to that same opportunity Sir Ed had. It’s not that they lack the potential for greatness; it’s that they don’t have the chance to discover it.

1 in 8 children live in material hardship where their lives are often confined to a small radius around where they live. They feel isolated, are unfulfilled and don’t see a bright future ahead. Even if they are offered an opportunity to experience new things, financial barriers prohibit their participation and often the fear of trying something new is too daunting to face.

Without the fundamental building blocks of youth development, the possibility of becoming a school or community leader, let alone a global hero, is intangible.  

Liam, a young boy from Hamilton, was never picked for anything, noting he wouldn’t have picked himself. He described himself as a very shy, anxious person, too afraid to put himself forward for fear of being rejected or, worse, not being able to do a good job if he did somehow get selected.

He reflects on his time as Hillary Outdoors as being life-changing:   

“What changed for me as a result of going to Hillary Outdoors? If you asked my mother she’d tell you that for the first time in 15 years my room was clean. For me, it went a little deeper than that. I came back with self-belief, I had discovered that I could be a leader, and I believed it. I was confident in my decisions, I had gained the ability to stick with things which sometimes is the hardest part. I was no longer afraid of getting stuck in, in fact, I started actively searching for opportunities to help out. School became more fulfilling, my grades improved, I started to gain the respect of my peers. It felt like the miracle cure, from a shy, fearful year 9 to the person I’d wanted to be for so long.”   

Liam later became Head Boy of his school.   


As Sir Edmund Hillary said, “It’s not the mountains we conquer, but ourselves.”   

Our programmes evoke pivotal moments for youth, inspiring them to overcome their fears and insecurities to become leaders who contribute positively to their community.    

With the incredible generosity of our supportive community, we provide scholarships to children living in hardship so they can have the same experience that Sir Ed and Liam had. Your invaluable donations give young New Zealanders the opportunity to grow and flourish through outdoor education and adventure, help them find the courage to ignite and pursue their ambitions and empower them to do extraordinary things.

Expanding Our Horizons: Introducing Hillary Outdoors Coromandel

Yesterday was a momentous occasion for Hillary Outdoors as we proudly announced the acquisition of our new centre on the stunning Coromandel. This expansion is not just about growing our footprint; it’s about deepening our commitment to providing exceptional outdoor education opportunities for rangatahi across Aotearoa.

With over 50 years of experience in delivering high-impact outdoor education programmes, Hillary Outdoors, then OPC, has a place in the hearts of generations of New Zealanders. Our journey began with our iconic Tongariro Centre. Now, we are thrilled to extend our reach to the Coromandel, a region rich with unique marine and conservation environments.

Hillary Outdoors Coromandel will serve as our Marine and Conservation Centre, offering unparalleled experiences in the northern Coromandel’s bush, coastal, and marine environments. This acquisition allows us to provide more diverse learning opportunities and empower more youth to benefit from the life-changing experiences our programmes facilitate.

What Hillary Outdoors Coromandel Offers

Experiential Learning in Unique Environments: Our Coromandel Centre will immerse students in hands-on learning experiences that cover a wide range of marine and land-based activities and promote a deeper connection to nature. This environment will provide continuous opportunities for youth development through engaging journeys and expeditions.

Commitment to Environmental Stewardship: Coromandel has a unique biodiversity that we are committed to protecting and preserving. We believe in the power of collaboration and look forward to supporting the incredible community-led conservation efforts underway in the region.

Fit-For-Purpose Facilities: Hillary Outdoors Coromandel Centre will feature facilities that will be converted to support an array of educational activities. With experienced instructors and a well-rounded curriculum, we aim to uphold the high standards of excellence that have defined us for decades.

Join us on This Journey

We are excited to welcome our first group of students in January 2025. Until then, our team will be hard at work converting the site to be fit-for-purpose and getting the highest outdoor safety accreditation for our programmes, maximising the educational potential of this incredible location. We are currently working through our booking process with our clients, and look forward to forging new partnerships with schools and communities from Coromandel, Auckland, and wider Aotearoa.

As we embark on this new chapter, we invite you to join us in celebrating this expansion of Hillary Outdoors, which will ultimately achieve our goal of providing transformative experiences to more than 10,000 rangatahi each year through outdoor education and equip them to lead brighter futures. 

Make sure to stay tuned to our social media channels and website as we share the journey and progress of opening Hillary Outdoors Coromandel.

Thank you for your continued support and belief in our purpose. Here’s to a new chapter!

Celebrating Youth Week: Tertiary Students’ Dive into Hauora Retreat 

Last week, as part of Youth Week NZ celebrations, our tertiary students embarked on a new initiative: a four-day Hauora Retreat designed to promote wellness and foster connections among our students. 

During the retreat, our students left their phones and laptops at home and immersed themselves in activities that nurture holistic well-being. We don’t just talk about hauora in a classroom—we live, eat, and breathe it.  

Each day began with an AM routine that included yoga, mindfulness training, and journaling. They practised healthy eating, engaged in daily fitness sessions, and committed to a four- to eight-week programme where they set personal hauora goals. Some goals included maintaining a morning routine, following a paleo or vegetarian diet several times a week, participating in cold water immersion, or targeted fitness training. 

Engaging in diverse activities from yoga to HIIT sessions, mindful journaling to exploring the Mental Health Foundation’s 5 Ways to Well-being model, every day of the retreat was dedicated to exploring the pillars of hauora. 

One unique aspect of the retreat was the Diploma student-led presentations. Our students shared their knowledge on various topics, ranging from the Te Whare Tapa Whā model to breathwork techniques, nourishing nutrition, and habits that promote overall well-being. During these presentations, students empowered one another to prioritize self-care and mental health. 

Students were also challenged to eat a plant-based diet during the retreat and eliminate any foods that were highly processed or high in sugars—the rule of thumb was, if it wasn’t around 100 years ago, then leave it out. Cooking in groups helped them discover new recipes and ways of cooking, strengthening bonds that only sitting down together and sharing kai can create. 

The motivation behind this retreat was to equip our students with essential tools to navigate the complexities of modern life, especially as anxiety and mental health challenges rise among youth. By openly discussing wellness and providing practical tools we aim to empower them to prioritise their mental and emotional well-being. 

It was inspiring to witness the personal growth and transformation that unfolded during the four days, and to champion the well-being of our rangatahi! 

Thank you Ara Taiohi for providing a grant in support of the Hauora Retreat.

Event Season in Full Swing 

2023 Hillary Challenge Final Winners, New Plymouth Girls/Boys High School.

The shorter and colder days have signalled the start of our events season, and Darren, our Events Manager, couldn’t be more eager to bounce out of bed and set up a series of testing challenges he has spent all summer imagining. 

Our events kicked off with a bang, with the South and then the North Island playing hosts to two fantastic Hillary Challenge regional events.    

Close to 300 rangatahi were tested, trialled and pushed to limits they didn’t know they could reach, as they competed to win a place at the highly anticipated Hillary Challenge Final, set to take place over a week during the end of Term 3. 

Our 2024 Finalists

Congratulations to Cashmere High (Christchurch); Motueka High (Motueka – Tasman); Middleton Grange (Christchurch); MacKenzie College (Fairlie – South Canterbury); St Andrews College (Christchurch); Francis Douglas/Sacred Heart (New Plymouth); John Paul College (Rotorua); Westlake Girls/Boys High (Auckland); Rotorua Lake High (Rotorua)  teams for your outstanding performances and securing your place in the Hillary Challenge Final, where they will be joined by New Plymouth Girls/Boys High; Wakatipu High and Whakatane High who all have won automatic entry to the 2024 Hillary Challenge Final and finishing in the top three spots at the 2023 Hillary Challenge Final – we cannot wait to welcome you to Tongariro – we are sure Darren has some more exhilarating activities in-store that will test your teamwork! 

Meanwhile, our Torpedo7 Get2Go regionals are just around the corner, running from late July to mid-September. In these events, teams compete in various outdoor challenges, fostering skills like leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, and resilience. The winning team from each region’s Mixed Open category will earn a spot in the prestigious Torpedo7 Get2Go Final, to be held later in the year. 

Participating in the Hillary Challenge and Torpedo7 Get2Go offers invaluable benefits to rangatahi. These events provide opportunities to: 

  • Develop leadership and teamwork skills in challenging outdoor environments 
  • Build resilience and problem-solving abilities 
  • Experience personal growth and confidence through adventure 
  • Forge lasting friendships and connections with peers from across the country 

We cannot wait to witness the growth and success of all participants in these upcoming events. Stay tuned for more updates and join us in celebrating the achievements of our inspiring rangatahi! 

Building brighter futures for young New Zealanders

We love that Hillary Outdoors, then OPC, has a place in the hearts of thousands of New Zealanders, like you. We know that you cherish the epic adventures and incredible friendships forged, and still love the outdoors to this day! But did you really love the ‘bunch of old buildings’ you stayed in, and having to put on wet, cold gear from the day before? 

Ray Button, Chief Instructor in the late 1970s and early ’80s, remembers the incredible team spirit and feeling of empowerment at the time. He also remembers walking out of his room, straight outdoors into the (literally) freezing cold, and putting on soaked gear from the day before; then having to work with equipment that was patchworked with repairs. Getting a locker for his own gear is still one of the highlights of his whole life!  

Fast-forward 50 years, and the sentiment remains. Our team loves the comradery but not so much the holey canoes, frayed green carpet, and lack of heating.

Thankfully, we’ve made a few improvements and are on a mission to upgrade our Tongariro Centre with the help of our superstar supporters. 

In the last 12 months, we’ve replaced our canoes – no more patched holes! Have a new fleet of white water boats, and even have two new, fit-for-purpose trailers to transport them. Grants have provided essential safety gear to complement this new equipment along with an ATV to launch our safety boat into the water.

We’ve also built a world-class climbing facility that elevates and expands our programme offerings to our school clients and tertiary students.

Behind the scenes, we’ve upgraded the fire safety systems in our student accommodation and carried out critical maintenance on our radio tower, ensuring the highest level of health and safety for our residential, adventure programmes. We’ve also installed an innovative drying system so students have warm, dry gear each day. Now that’ll be music to Ray’s ears! 

Speaking of warmth, we’re working through upgrading the heating and cooling systems for everyone on our site. We know that thermal comfort plays a critical role in health and safety, not only for physical wellness, but if people are too hot or cold, their ability to make decisions deteriorates. In order to mitigate those risks, we’ve installed heat pumps in our staff housing and classroom spaces, and are starting to raise funds for heating solutions in our student accommodation and Safety Operations Hub. You know our buildings are not hitting the mark when our team puts on their alpine gear to come inside each day for their Safety Briefing.

Another factor that contributes to keeping spaces thermally comfortable is insulation. We’re so pleased to see the last of the green carpet, which was older than most of our team! It didn’t disintegrate to nothing, which wouldn’t be a far stretch from the truth, but was replaced with a cosy and healthy upgrade. The new carpet provides a layer of insulation in our Safety Operations Hub and means our team and clients no longer have to live and breathe amongst green dust!

We have been truly humbled by the incredible support we’ve received from our Funders and amazing community of Donors, who have made these upgrades a reality.

Thank you: Four Winds Foundation, Grassroots Trust, Grassroots Trust Central, Marion Ross Memorial Trust, NZAC Tūpiki Trust, Pelorus Trust, and Trillian Trust. 

To date, with the support of these extraordinary charitable organisations, we have raised just under half a million dollars, funding exceptional facilities and equipment for Hillary Outdoors to deliver high-impact outdoor and adventure education programmes for the next 50 years.

We’ve hit the ground running but still need your help to build brighter futures for young New Zealanders.

If you’d like to be part of building Hillary Outdoors’ future, donate today or contact our Fundraising Manager, Dawn.

Hillary Outdoors’ All Staff Training: A Refreshing Retreat 

During January, 40 Hillary Outdoors staff members spent a rejuvenating five days together as the team gathered in Tongariro, where they immersed themselves in a blend of safety training, skill enhancement, mental health and well-being training, strategic planning, and much-needed downtime to foster connection. This time also allowed our Cultural Advisory Committee to meet and build on their research. 

Our instructors delved into refreshing their outdoor skills, ensuring they’re equipped to deliver top-notch experiences for our clients, from practising rescues to honing safety protocols and their expertise. Instructors also took the time to review Unit Standards and had a refresher on how they assess these. 

Meanwhile, support staff gathered and undertook training on our systems and processes to ensure that, as an organisation, we are operating efficiently and effectively. 

Recognising the importance of mental health and well-being, we dedicated time to focus on supporting the well-being of our clients – equipped with valuable insights and strategies to provide a nurturing environment where everyone can thrive.  

The above session aligned with a Hauora workshop where we deepened our understanding of this Māori philosophy, encompassing physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects to help us promote a balanced lifestyle for our clients and ourselves. 

Our Cultural Advisory Committee attended a two-day wānanga, hosted at Otūkou Marae by Ngāti Hikairo and at our Tongariro Centre. The Committee dedicated time to reflecting on responses from our accountability-based research to better understand how rangatahi Māori can successfully participate as Māori at Hillary Outdoors. The responses informed our draft cultural strategy, and by the end of the wānanga, we had co-developed three strategic pou with success measures. You can read more about our journey in our blog. It’s not often that we are all gathered in one location, so it was great to collaborate with all staff to map out our future direction to ensure that we continue to innovate and adapt whilst staying true to our core values to empower rangatahi through adventure. 

Of course, amidst the enriching sessions, we also had moments to relax and get out and experience the outdoors. Our instructors led our all-staff canoe and kayak rescue trip, which saw some of us stay drier than others! These special moments helped foster bonds and strengthened our team spirit. 

At Hillary Outdoors, we’re not just an organisation – we’re a family united by our passion for outdoor education and youth development. Training days like this sharpen our skills and reaffirm our commitment to creating safe transformative experiences for rangatahi well into the future. 

Exciting Kick-off for 2024 Tertiary Programmes at Hillary Outdoors! 

It’s that time of the year again – Hillary Outdoors is buzzing with excitement as our 2024 tertiary programmes have finally kicked off – the energy around here is electric! 

Here at Hillary Outdoors, we’re all about learning safety through hands-on learning and immersive experiences – from our indoor classrooms to our outdoor laboratories – there is never a dull moment. 

We’ve welcomed both Diploma and Certificate students for what promises to be an epic journey of learning and adventure, and these guys wasted no time diving headfirst into the action! 

Our Certificate students have been absolute rockstars – after spending time in the classroom assessing and learning to manage risk and correctly use equipment, they put their newly acquired skills to the test under the watchful eyes of our experienced outdoor instructors. On just their second day rock climbing, they were already scaling cliffs and smashing out leads like pros at Whakapapa.  It’s been incredible to see their passion and determination fuelling their adventures from the get-go.  

Meanwhile, our Diploma students have been making waves – quite literally! Testing out their kayaking skills and camping out overnight – soaking in every ounce of adventure as they work towards the New Zealand Diploma in Outdoor and Adventure Education (multi-skilled) Level 5. 

The Diploma will see Graduates obtain the necessary skills to instruct and lead groups in the outdoors so they can, in turn, be our outdoor instructors of tomorrow. Graduates need to show excellent communication and interpersonal skills as well as demonstrate a high level of risk management during these activities, whilst also developing their existing technical skills. 

Putting these skills to use, in real life situations, develops students, so they can form an accurate self-assessment of their skills and abilities in a variety of conditions – think of it as Applied Kayak Physics where we test out Newton’s third law – for every action in nature, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  It is only through the practice and testing of these skills in the outdoors, our labs, that we can prove or disprove the hypothesis! 

So, picture this: they start the week by getting their kayak gear prepped and fitted before hitting the pool to perfect their rolls, then they take on the Tongariro red hut run to gauge their paddling prowess. But that’s just the warm-up! They set their sights on Mohaka River, conquering new stretches by day and camping under the stars by night – truly epic stuff! 

And amidst all the action, they still managed to put their skills to the test at the opening of our brand-spanking-new, state-of-the-art Tūpiki Trust climbing facility followed by a welcome BBQ hosted by our staff – where staff vs tertiary volleyball antics flowed as freely as the BBQ sauce, creating bonds that’ll last a lifetime. 

Our programmes develop the next generation of inspirational instructors, advanced adventure guides, safety experts, and skilled recreationists. Our graduates become sought-after leaders. The type of people you want on your team who make a difference! 

So, here’s to an action-packed start to 2024 – and trust us, the adventures have only just begun! 

Hillary Outdoors Cultural Strategy: Our journey so far

In 2023, Hillary Outdoors was a recipient of the Tuia ki Tawhiti | Collaborative Futures Fund. This fund was managed and delivered by Education Outdoors New Zealand (EONZ) and enabled Hillary Outdoors to undertake a results-based accountability research project with a vision to improve the relevance and accessibility of outdoor education for rangatahi Māori. 

With the Tuia ki Tawhiti fund, Hillary Outdoors started our journey to conduct results-based accountability research with a vision to improve the relevance and accessibility of outdoor education for rangatahi Māori. This is our journey to date.

Before receiving the fund, we recognised that rangatahi Māori were under-represented in our outdoor education and adventure programmes. Schools with a high population of Māori students would attend Hillary Outdoors. However, the students who participated did not represent the school’s population. For example, a school with 75% of students identifying as Māori in their role would bring a group of 75% Pakeha students. 

This flowed through to our intake of tertiary students and staff. Currently, 10% of our tertiary students and 11% of our staff identify as Māori. 

Through Hillary Outdoors having long-standing relationships with iwi local to our Centres and drawing from our team’s network of connections, we were able to create an incredible team of Advisors, led by Dr. Ihirangi Heke. Our Advisory Committee is made up of representatives from Ngāti Hikairo and Tuwharetoa, mana whenua to our Tongariro Centre; Ngātiwai o Aotea, mana whenua to our Aotea Centre; Te Tonga o Tāmaki Makaurau, South Auckland; our Staff and Board members; and Māori Youth representatives. 

Together, we undertook a research-led approach to understand: 

  • The barriers for rangatahi Māori to participate in our programmes and 
  • How rangatahi Māori can successfully participate as Māori in Hillary Outdoors programmes. 

We developed research questions based on Sport New Zealand’s Te Whetū Rehua; a framework based on five key values important for Māori cultural and social development. The framework was adapted with our Cultural Advisors for outdoor education. The questions became: 

  1. Has your overall Hillary Outdoors experience included the integration of te reo and tikanga? 
  1. Has your overall Hillary Outdoors experience included integration with mana whenua and Māori practitioners in leadership, management, instruction and/or staff roles? 
  1. Has your overall Hillary Outdoors experience included whanaungatanga? 
  1. Has your overall Hillary Outdoors experience included working in Māori places of significance? 
  1. Are outdoor activities involving the maunga, wai and whenua integrated in your Hillary Outdoors experience? 

Initially, we had planned for a Māori Researcher to travel to schools throughout Aotearoa and ask students about their cultural experience with Hillary Outdoors. As we developed our research plan, Ihi made us aware that we had to create a safe space for rangatahi to take part in the surveys, and that they needed to be conducted by someone the rangatahi had built a trusting relationship. Through building a rapport on programmes with students, our Instructors were deemed the best people to facilitate the discussions safely and comfortably. 

We pivoted to onboard our Instructors and wider team to conduct surveys, including workshops on Hillary Outdoors values, how to survey, and Atua Matua. 

From the survey responses, we identified that our programmes met or exceeded expectations in the following areas: 

  • Immerse participants in Māori places of significance, 
  • Integrate maunga, wai and whenua, and 
  • Build whanaungatanga. 

To further enhance the experience and be more culturally responsive to Māori, we need to integrate the following in our programmes further: 

  • Te reo and tikanga in an appropriate place-based means, and 
  • Increase Māori leadership at Hillary Outdoors. 

We also found that financial constraints, the perceived view that outdoor education is not conducive to a high-level education, and family responsibilities and other commitments were barriers to rangatahi Māori participating in Hillary Outdoor programmes and Outdoor Education in general. 

In January, we hosted a wānanga at our Tongariro Centre with our Cultural Advisory Committee, facilitated by Katerina Kupenga from AraHina. Our wānanga began with a Powhiri at Otūkou Marae and with the purpose of creating a vision for our Cultural Strategy, developing 3 Pou | strategic objectives and defining success measures for each Pou.  

Whanaungatanga sits at the core of this kaupapa. With our extraordinary Advisory Board, we co-created a meaningful draft strategy to build a foundation for rangatahi Māori to successfully participate as Māori at Hillary Outdoors.  

Due to the many shifts and pivots we navigated throughout our research journey, we were able to deepen our connections with local Iwi, enable our staff to upskill and be part of the project, and enhance the cultural responsiveness of Hillary Outdoors. Our kaupapa transformed from being something that sat alongside Hillary Outdoors’ operation to becoming a huge, integrated part of our programme delivery and team culture. 

To build on the research and Cultural Strategy development we were able to undertake with the Tuia ki Tawhiti fund, we have received further funding from the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC). This strategic funding will support rangatahi Māori in our programmes, from student intake through to building pathways to support and develop more Māori leaders at Hillary Outdoors. It will allow us to identify and empower Youth Advisors and engage a part-time Cultural Advisor, to support the delivery of our Cultural Strategy. 

We extend a huge thank you to both EONZ and TEC for their incredible support and advocacy of our kaupapa. 

We are so excited to launch our Cultural Strategy later this year and continue our journey to improve the relevance and accessibility of outdoor education for rangatahi Māori. 

It’s official: our new Climbing Facility is open!

Excitement filled our Tongariro Centre on Friday 16 February, as Dave Bamford, Trustee of the NZAC Tūpiki Trust, cut the ribbon to open our new Climbing Facility.

Thanks to the incredible support from the Tūpiki Trust, we have a new technical climbing wall and classroom spaces. This state-of-the-art facility elevates what we can offer as a Category 1 Tertiary Provider and expands our outdoor and adventure education programmes for schools. 

We are thrilled to have this world-class facility to honour Nank’s legacy. John “Nank” Nankervis was an inspirational mountaineer, tramper, explorer and skier, who climbed peaks worldwide. Nank became a member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to mountaineering and conservation, and sadly passed away in 2022. He dedicated his estate to creating the Tūpiki Trust with the purpose of fostering and supporting New Zealand climbing and conservation. The Tūpiki Trust granted over a quarter of a million dollars towards this project.

Nank believed that “youth are the future for a healthy Aotearoa”, and what better way to celebrate this than to have our next generation of climbers leading the way. Our Diploma students took charge, offering instruction, encouragement and belaying expertise to all our climbers on the day. We are so proud of Evelyn for undertaking the first official climb, and even navigating the tricky overhang! 

Our new climbing wall and classrooms provide a safe and controlled environment for students to build confidence, connections and leadership whilst learning new skills.

The wall offers an alternative climbing option in extreme weather and enables students to build competence before facing more challenging climbs. It also provides opportunities for school groups to build deeper connections by fostering trust and teamwork through climbing activities.

Rangatahi can study the theory behind new climbing skills in the classrooms before putting those skills into practice on the climbing wall.

It’s corny and true; teamwork makes the dream work! This project would not have been possible without the support of our amazing community. We acknowledge Trillian Trust who generously funded the new carpet in the classrooms, ensuring these spaces are comfortable and healthy for our students.

Our thanks also extend to Te Ngaehe Wanikau, tumaki for Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Hikairo ki Tongariro for blessing the wall; our Trustees, Dave Tommas and Martin Hunter for joining us to celebrate; Apex Climbing, who built the wall; and our Hillary Outdoors team and Tertiary Crew who will continue to facilitate life-changing experiences for rangatahi from across Aotearoa.

Hillary Outdoors, Aotea Great Barrier Island Centre Permanent Closure

After operating from Karaka Bay on Aotea Great Barrier Island since 2006, we have made the tough decision to permanently close our Centre on Aotea as of 11 May 2024.

The challenges of operating from an island location mean the centre is no longer financially sustainable for our Trust. Increased costs to run outdoor education programmes for the many school and community groups we service have unfortunately made pricing out of reach for our rangatahi. 

We are sad to end our long-standing relationship with our Aotea Great Barrier Island community, including Orama, iwi, and the wider island community who have worked with us for 18 years. Aotea will always be a location that holds a special place in our hearts and minds. 

Staff and client safety and well-being remain our priority. Please be assured that Hillary Outdoors remains viable and is committed to continuing to deliver incredible programmes to Aotearoa’s rangatahi long into the future. Our Tongariro Centre, the Tertiary and Events programmes remain in operation. 

The capacity of our Tongariro Centre will increase to accommodate our affected clients. We are committed to supporting and offering other opportunities to our team and our clients through this time.

We thank the many schools, groups and organisations that have supported our Aotea Great Barrier Island Centre over the years. While it is the end of an era, it is the right decision for our organisation as we look to the future and continue to work towards Hillary Outdoors being a sustainable organisation for the next 50 years. 

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini – my success is not mine alone, but it is the strength of many.